Friday 1 May 2020

Fiver and Upwork Starting Tips

Fiver and Upwork Starting Tips

 When you come to work on Fiver or Upwork, you are representing your country, so take care of these things and try not to let clients hesitate to hire Pakistanis because of you.

Fiver and Upwork Starting Tips

 1. If you don't know a job, don't gag it or bid on such a job.

 2.  If you can't convince the client and the client asks for a refund, feel free to give a refund. Tell the client what work is free. I will refund you for you. We hope we will work together further.  Rest assured that the client will take the money temporarily but he will have a good image of you and the country in his mind which will definitely give you a job in the future.

 3- Never sell your service cheaply. If a job is for 20 minutes, pay 5% or 10% of it. But if a job takes you a whole day or several days and in return you get 5% or  10 $ So never do that.

 4. Read the client's requests two or three times. Most of the friends do not know at the beginning that the client has asked for it, so you can share those requests in groups and ask them out of embarrassment.  Will remain and the result will be recovered in case of bad review or order cancellation.

 5- If the client is asking for garbage, you should give him garbage. Never add anything on your behalf unless the client allows it.

 6. Always respond after reading the client's message very carefully.

 I hope you take care of these things.
 May Allah grant us all success in our legitimate goals.

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